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Night Of AI|KCC@新加坡 X 早早聊喊你来参加 AI 之夜啦 - 本周六 - 晚上直播

前端早早聊 | 7 2023-08-09 23:07 0 0 0
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大会已经举办 81 期,81 个周末,81 个话题,550 位讲师,550 场技术分享,550 个小时直播。


历届大会 PPT/录播视频,会在大会结束后 24 小时 内首先向报名用户开放,对社区开放时间不定,大家可以到公众号 「前端早早聊」 回复 "大会" 查看相关对社区的公开资料。


本届大会分享内容 - Night Of AI

本次大会主题 「Night Of AI」




About KCC Singapore

KCC@Singapore, founded on July 20, 2023, is the first step in the open source community's global strategy. Our mission is to empower developers to embrace and contribute to open source. Through partnerships with universities, tech companies, and government departments, we aim to promote open source adoption in Singapore's digital economy. Working closely with local open source communities and forging global connections, we amplify the voice of Chinese open source. Together, we empower open source for a brighter digital future.

About AO.space

AO.space is a solution that focuses on protecting the security and privacy of personal data. Through end-to-end encryption, device-based authentication and other technologies, users are fully in control of their personal accounts and data. At the same time, it adopts platform transparent forwarding, point-to-point acceleration, LAN direct connection and other technologies to allow users to access personal data quickly anytime, anywhere. AO.space uses PWA (Progressive Web App) and cloud native technology to design and build an integrated front-end and back-end application ecosystem. The AO.space team belongs to the Intelligent Software Research Center of the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

About AGI Zaotalk

Zaotalk is a technical community that hosts more than 20 technical conferences each year, covering topics such as low-code, no-code build, CICD, interactive technology, WebGL, visualization, Serverless, monitoring, micro-front-end, componencification, BFF, Node.js, etc. The goal is to provide application-level developers with a wide variety of industry and community technology solutions.

Zaotalk have two brands:


Over the years of working on the front end, you may have had these confusions: 从事前端这些年,你或许有过这些困惑:

Is the front end dead or not? Is low-code/no-code a cancer in the industry? With the rise of AI, what does the future hold for front-end engineers? And how will the back end meet the new challenges?What other practices do we have?前端到底死了没?低代码/无代码是否是行业的毒瘤?随着 AI 的崛起,前端工程师的未来将何去何从?而后端又将如何迎接新的挑战?我们还有哪些实践?

In order to help Chinese developers, technology products and technology companies "go global" and establish overseas influence, AGI Early Chat, KCC Singapore, AO.Space jointly held an online AI conference "Night Of AI". 为帮助中国开发者、技术产品、技术公司“走出去”,建立海外影响力,AGI 早早聊、KCC@新加坡、A.O 傲空间⼀起联合举办了一场线上 AI 大会「Night Of AI」。

Let's take a closer look at the latest progress and applications of AI to broaden the research field of intelligent technology. 让我们⼀起深⼊了解 AI 的最新进展和应用,开阔智能科技研究领域。

You will learn a lot in this event, welcome interested friends to sign up! 本次活动干货满满,欢迎感兴趣的朋友们报名参会!


Attending the conference you will gain:


  • For AI enthusiasts, researchers, you will join us to explore the extraordinary capabilities of the large language model GPT-4, especially breakthroughs in natural language understanding and generation. For the privacy issues of ChatGPT, we will provide some solutions to create private ChatGPT to interact with local documents to ensure data security;  对于 AI 爱好者、研究者,你将和我们⼀起探讨大型语言模型 GPT-4 的非凡能力,特别是在自然语言理解和生成方面的突破。对于 ChatGPT 的隐私问题,我们将会提供一些解决方案来创建私密 ChatGPT 与本地文档交互来保障数据安全;

  • For researchers, you will use AI with us for operating system performance tuning practices;  对于研究人员,你将和我们⼀起使用 AI 进行操作系统性能调优的实践;

  • For developers, you'll learn "Is the front end dead?" and "Is low-code, no-code cancer in the industry?"   对于开发者,你将了解 “前端到底死了没?”以及“低代码、无代码是否是行业的毒瘤?”




  • 每期仅 38 元,跟进技术热点
  • 20 期精选话题,视野打开天眼
  • P5 ~ P8 简历模板,打造自身亮点
  • 简历指导 + 内推机会,跳槽少走弯路
  • 团队招人,不限次数发布招聘

2023 年早早聊大会议题

全年 20 期主题,预计 150 位讲师,150 场分享还有更多想听的话题,欢迎来提喔~

每月,至少有 1 场直播,至少有 1 个周末早早聊陪你一起过

  • 一起探索前端的深度与广度
  • 认识社区里面最硬核的技术人
  • 跟进最新最热门的技术方案
  • 了解其他的公司的最佳实践


注:年票购买 3 天后,或者购买已隔月,或已开票,恕不退款,购买请注意。话题在举办过程中,偶有调整,以实际举办时间为主。

针对全年联票,可以补票上车,一次性解封观看往期所有的视频和 PPT,以及年底前所有的直播场。


关注公众号「前端早早聊」,或者发送「大会」即可看到报名链接,在线报名成功后,请加小助手微信:zzlevazzlmicky 邀请进微信群。

报名成功以后,联系小助手之后,可以开发票,会被拉入前端早早聊大会微信交流群,第一时间了解更多更新大会信息,大会当天的视频直播地址、PPT 直播图片推送、包括大会结束后 24 小时内,相关录播视频、PPT 资料都会在微信群中同步。

  • 大会举办时间:2023 年 8 月 12 日  19:00 - 21:00
  • 报名截至时间:2023 年 8 月 12 日  22:00
  • 大会举办方式:微信群 PPT 推送 + 线上视频实时直播 + 会后资料推送

大会主办方:前端早早聊、AGI 早早聊


针对年票,可以补票上车,一次性解锁观看往期所有的视频和 PPT。


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