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微软 Bing 和谷歌 Bard,哪个更能干?

机器学习与数学 | 35 2023-06-03 03:12 0 0 0
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微软 Bing 和谷歌 Bard 通过聊天的方式改变了我们的搜索方式,但它们各自的表现如何呢?



1 微软 Bing

Q:Many mathematical theories need to be used in the study of machine learning. Please sort out mathematics in this area and give their resource links on the Internet.

Bing:正在搜索: mathematics for machine learning




  • 数学基础

  • 使用数学基础的机器学习算法示例

这本书有免费的 PDF 版本,也有由剑桥大学出版社出版的印刷版本。您可以在以下链接下载或购买:

  • 免费 PDF 版本:https://mml-book.github.io/book/mml-book.pdf

  • 印刷版本:https://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Machine-Learning-Peter-Deisenroth/dp/110845514X

另外,还有一个 Coursera 上的专项课程叫做《机器学习的数学》,它涵盖了数据科学和机器学习应用所需的先决数学知识。这个专项课程包括三门课程:

  • 线性代数
  • 多元微积分
  • 主成分分析降维


  • 专项课程链接:https://www.coursera.org/specializations/mathematics-machine-learning



Bing:正在搜索: probability and statistics for machine learning





  • 一个 Coursera 上的课程叫做《机器学习与数据科学的概率统计》,它涵盖了概率、随机变量、概率分布、统计方法、假设检验等主题。您可以在以下链接报名或了解更多信息:

    • 课程链接:https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning-probability-and-statistics
  • 一个 Udemy 上的课程叫做《机器学习的数学、概率与统计》,它涵盖了集合论、组合数学、概率论、统计分析等主题。您可以在以下链接报名或了解更多信息:

    • 课程链接:https://www.udemy.com/course/probability-statistics-mathematics/
  • 一篇文章叫做《统计学和机器学习之间的实际区别》,它解释了统计学和机器学习在理论和应用上的不同之处。您可以在以下链接阅读或了解更多信息:

    • 文章链接:https://towardsdatascience.com/the-actual-difference-between-statistics-and-machine-learning-64b49f07ea3
  • 一个视频课程叫做《机器学习的概率与统计》,它涵盖了概率论、随机变量、条件概率、贝叶斯定理等主题。您可以在以下链接观看或了解更多信息:

    • 视频链接:https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/probability-and-statistics/9780137566273/




Bing:正在搜索: books on mathematics for machine learning



  • 《机器学习的数学》,这本书是我之前提到过的,它涵盖了线性代数、解析几何、矩阵分解、向量微积分、概率与分布、连续优化等主题,以及一些使用数学基础的机器学习算法示例。您可以在以下链接下载或购买:

    • 免费 PDF 版本:https://mml-book.github.io/book/mml-book.pdf

    • 印刷版本:https://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Machine-Learning-Peter-Deisenroth/dp/110845514X

  • 《基于模型的机器学习》,这本书还在写作中,它介绍了一种基于模型的机器学习方法,它可以让您根据您的问题和数据来构建和优化自己的机器学习模型,而不是使用现成的算法。您可以在以下链接阅读或了解更多信息:

    • 在线阅读:http://www.mbmlbook.com/
  • 《深度学习》,这本书是深度学习领域的经典之作,它涵盖了深度学习的理论、实践和应用,以及所需的数学知识,如线性代数、概率论、信息论、数值优化等。您可以在以下链接下载或购买:

    • 免费PDF版本:https://www.deeplearningbook.org/

    • 印刷版本:https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Learning-Adaptive-Computation-Machine/dp/0262035618

  • 《机器学习:一个应用数学导论》,这本书是一个全面的机器学习入门教程,它使用了大量的图表和示例来解释机器学习中的数学概念和方法,如线性回归、逻辑回归、神经网络、支持向量机、决策树、随机森林等。您可以在以下链接下载或购买:

    • Kindle版本:https://www.amazon.com/Machine-Learning-Applied-Mathematics-Introduction-ebook/dp/B07ZG9ZLHW

    • 印刷版本:https://www.amazon.com/Machine-Learning-Applied-Mathematics-Introduction/dp/1916081606



Bing:正在搜索: machine learning practice resources



  • 一个网站叫做 MachineHack,它是一个机器学习竞赛的平台,您可以在这里测试和练习您的机器学习技能,参与各种有趣和有挑战性的项目。您可以在以下链接访问或了解更多信息:

    • 网站链接:https://machinehack.com/
  • 一个网站叫做 Springboard,它提供了 40 个免费的资源来帮助您自学机器学习,包括博客、电子书、视频、案例研究等,涵盖了机器学习的基础知识和复杂技术。您可以在以下链接访问或了解更多信息:

    • 网站链接:https://www.springboard.com/blog/data-science/free-resources-to-learn-machine-learning/
  • 一个网站叫做 Machine Learning Mastery,它提供了一个五步的方法来帮助您开始并提高您的机器学习水平,包括调整心态、选择过程、选择工具、练习数据集和建立作品集。您可以在以下链接访问或了解更多信息:

    • 网站链接:https://machinelearningmastery.com/start-here/
  • 一个网站叫做 Kaggle,它是一个数据科学和机器学习的社区,您可以在这里找到各种数据集、代码、教程和竞赛,与其他人交流和学习。您可以在以下链接访问或了解更多信息:

    • 网站链接:https://www.kaggle.com/


2 谷歌 Bard

下面我们来请教谷歌 Bard,输入同样请求。

Q:Many mathematical theories need to be used in the study of machine learning. Please sort out mathematics in this area and give their resource links on the Internet.

Bard:Sure. Here are some of the mathematical theories that are used in machine learning, along with some resource links:

  • Linear Algebra is used in machine learning for tasks such as feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and matrix factorization. Some good resources for learning linear algebra include Khan Academy, 3Blue1Brown, and MIT OpenCourseWare.

  • Calculus is used in machine learning for tasks such as optimization, gradient descent, and backpropagation. Some good resources for learning calculus include Khan Academy, Paul's Online Math Notes, and MIT OpenCourseWare.

  • Probability Theory is used in machine learning for tasks such as classification, regression, and clustering. Some good resources for learning probability theory include Khan Academy, OpenIntro Statistics, and MIT OpenCourseWare.

  • Statistics is used in machine learning for tasks such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and p-values. Some good resources for learning statistics include Khan Academy, OpenIntro Statistics, and MIT OpenCourseWare.

  • Discrete Mathematics is used in machine learning for tasks such as graph theory, algorithms, and data structures. Some good resources for learning discrete mathematics include Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and Brilliant.org.

In addition to these core mathematical theories, there are also a number of other mathematical concepts that are used in machine learning. These include:

  • Information Theory is used in machine learning for tasks such as data compression, error correction, and signal processing. Some good resources for learning information theory include Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and the book "Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms" by David MacKay.

  • Complexity Theory is used in machine learning for tasks such as algorithm design and analysis. Some good resources for learning complexity theory include Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and the book "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Michael Sipser.

  • Machine Learning Theory is used in machine learning for tasks such as understanding the generalization properties of machine learning algorithms. Some good resources for learning machine learning theory include the book "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" by Kevin P. Murphy, and the book "The Elements of Statistical Learning" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman.

I hope this helps!



Q:Do you have any resource recommendations for machine learning practice?

Bard:Sure, here are some resources that you can use to practice machine learning:

  • Kaggle is a platform where you can find datasets and competitions to practice machine learning.

  • Google Colab is a free online environment where you can run Python code and access Google's machine learning libraries.

  • Coursera and edX offer online courses on machine learning.

  • YouTube has a number of channels that offer tutorials on machine learning.

  • Books such as "Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners" by Jason Brownlee and "The Elements of Statistical Learning" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman can provide you with a solid foundation in machine learning.

I hope this helps!

目前来看,谷歌 Bard 的表现不如微软 Bing,跟搜索之间的结合貌似也没有做到位,没有加上相关链接。当然,跟具体的聊天过程和提示语还是有很大关系。


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