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招全奖博士!UNC Charlotte招收机器人/强化学习/控制博士

公众号CVer | 363 2021-10-21 08:28 0 0 0
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Dr. Wenhao Luo 目前就职于UNC Charlotte, 担任计算机系助理教授。Dr. Luo 于2021年7月博士毕业于卡内基梅隆大学计算机学院机器人系,师从Katia Sycara教授。实验室研究领域涵盖Robotics, Machine Learning及Control Theory。主要研究兴趣包括基于学习,运动规划和控制的自主多机器人系统 (multi-robot systems), 安全强化学习(safe reinforcement learning)和人-机器人群交互(human-swarm interaction)的相关理论与实际应用(e.g. 环境采样建模,无人车安全控制等)。Dr. Luo 博士期间与导师合作指导超过30名CMU本硕博学生,一作及合作学术成果二十多篇,均发表在NeurIPS, AAMAS, ICRA, IROS, ACC, Autonomous Robots等领域内顶级国际会议及期刊上 (指导学生获得IJCAI 21 AI4AD Workshop Best Paper Runner-Up Award), 同时担任NeurIPS, ICML (Expert Reviewer), ICLR, ICRA, IROS, T-RO, IJRR等顶级会议及期刊审稿人。与CMU, Microsoft, Cornell, Stony Brook等研究团队紧密合作,拥有领域内强connections。导师详情见个人主页:


Dr. Wenhao Luo is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at UNC Charlotte. His research interests are at the intersection of robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Specifically, Dr. Luo's research focuses on principled methods for robust and interactive autonomy that enable robots to safely and effectively collaborate with each other and with humans in the physical world. His recent work has focused on learning and control for safe autonomous multi-robot systems, with emphasis on robustness, resilience, and adversaries in the systems. He received MS and PhD degrees in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University. He was a research intern at Microsoft Research in the summer of 2019 and 2020. His work has been supported by NSF, USDA, DARPA, ONR, and AFOSR.


实验室目前计划招收若干名Spring/Fall 2022全奖博士(cover学费,生活费等)及实习生,研究方向包括强化学习及多机器人协作的理论和应用。实验室目前拥有多台业内顶级机器人实验平台,如Fetch Mobile Manipulator, Jacal/Husky Mobile Robot, DJI Matrice 100, Crazyflies, Turtlebot等移动、飞行机器人和Optitrack/Vicon室内定位系统。实验室与本系另外一名机器人导师Dr. Srinivas Akella (同为CMU RI 校友)紧密合作,学生将得到多方位指导,未来有很多实习及参加国际会议机会。


- 热爱科研,有较强的学习和英文沟通能力

- 有数学、机器学习、人工智能, 控制理论和机器人的相关专业和科研背景

- 有较强的编程经验 (Matlab/Python/C++),ROS经验丰富者优先

- 有相关领域论文发表者经验优先

感兴趣的同学欢迎邮件联系 Dr. Luo at wenhao.luo@uncc.edu,同时请附上(1) 个人简历及个人未来研究兴趣, (2) 成绩单,(3)代表作论文(或其他相关科研经验材料)


UNC Charlotte is among the top 5% of Computer Science Schools nationwide (and ranks #59 in Robotics), and is one of the five best Computer Science Schools in North Carolina reported in Computer-Science-Schools.com based on the data from the US Department of Education. The Department of Computer Science is the largest department in UNC Charlotte's College of Computing and Informatics, with close to 40 full-time faculty members and over 450 graduate students.

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