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导语 | 本文将从目标及详细的步骤教学来介绍使用LLVM实现一个简单编译器,希望带领大家去理解使用LLVM实现一个编译器的完整代码运行



# 斐波那契数列函数定义def fib(x)    if x < 3 then        1    else        fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)
# 函数声明extern sin(arg)extern cos(arg)extern atan2(arg1 arg2)
# 声明后的函数可调用atan2(sin(.4), cos(42))




atan2(sin(.4), cos(42))


tokens = ["atan2", "(", "sin", "(", .4, ")", ",", "cos", "(", 42, ")", ")"]


// 如果不是以下5种情况,Lexer返回[0-255]的ASCII值,否则返回以下枚举值enum Token {  TOKEN_EOF = -1,         // 文件结束标识符  TOKEN_DEF = -2,         // 关键字def  TOKEN_EXTERN = -3,      // 关键字extern  TOKEN_IDENTIFIER = -4,  // 名字  TOKEN_NUMBER = -5       // 数值};
std::string g_identifier_str; // Filled in if TOKEN_IDENTIFIERdouble g_number_val; // Filled in if TOKEN_NUMBER
// 从标准输入解析一个Token并返回int GetToken() { static int last_char = ' '; // 忽略空白字符 while (isspace(last_char)) { last_char = getchar(); } // 识别字符串 if (isalpha(last_char)) { g_identifier_str = last_char; while (isalnum((last_char = getchar()))) { g_identifier_str += last_char; } if (g_identifier_str == "def") { return TOKEN_DEF; } else if (g_identifier_str == "extern") { return TOKEN_EXTERN; } else { return TOKEN_IDENTIFIER; } } // 识别数值 if (isdigit(last_char) || last_char == '.') { std::string num_str; do { num_str += last_char; last_char = getchar(); } while (isdigit(last_char) || last_char == '.'); g_number_val = strtod(num_str.c_str(), nullptr); return TOKEN_NUMBER; } // 忽略注释 if (last_char == '#') { do { last_char = getchar(); } while (last_char != EOF &amp;&amp; last_char != '\n' &amp;&amp; last_char != '\r'); if (last_char != EOF) { return GetToken(); } } // 识别文件结束 if (last_char == EOF) { return TOKEN_EOF; } // 直接返回ASCII int this_char = last_char; last_char = getchar(); return this_char;}


def fib ( x ) if x < 3 then 1 else fib ( x - 1 ) + fib ( x - 2 ) fib ( 40 ) extern sin ( arg )extern cos ( arg ) extern atan2 ( arg1 arg2 ) atan2 ( sin ( 0.4 ) , cos ( 42 ) )



编译的第二个步骤称为Parse,其功能是将Lexer输出的tokens转为AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)。我们首先定义表达式的AST Node:

// 所有 `表达式` 节点的基类class ExprAST { public:  virtual ~ExprAST() {}};
// 字面值表达式class NumberExprAST : public ExprAST { public: NumberExprAST(double val) : val_(val) {}
private: double val_;};
// 变量表达式class VariableExprAST : public ExprAST { public: VariableExprAST(const std::string&amp; name) : name_(name) {}
private: std::string name_;};
// 二元操作表达式class BinaryExprAST : public ExprAST { public: BinaryExprAST(char op, std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> lhs, std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> rhs) : op_(op), lhs_(std::move(lhs)), rhs_(std::move(rhs)) {}
private: char op_; std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> lhs_; std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> rhs_;};
// 函数调用表达式class CallExprAST : public ExprAST { public: CallExprAST(const std::string&amp; callee, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ExprAST>> args) : callee_(callee), args_(std::move(args)) {}
private: std::string callee_; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ExprAST>> args_;};

为了便于理解,关于条件表达式的内容放在后面,这里暂不考虑。接着我们定义函数声明和函数的AST Node:

// 函数接口class PrototypeAST { public:  PrototypeAST(const std::string&amp; name, std::vector<std::string> args)      : name_(name), args_(std::move(args)) {}
const std::string&amp; name() const { return name_; }
private: std::string name_; std::vector<std::string> args_;};
// 函数class FunctionAST { public: FunctionAST(std::unique_ptr<PrototypeAST> proto, std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> body) : proto_(std::move(proto)), body_(std::move(body)) {}
private: std::unique_ptr<PrototypeAST> proto_; std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> body_;};


int g_current_token;  // 当前待处理的Tokenint GetNextToken() {  return g_current_token = GetToken();}


// numberexpr ::= numberstd::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseNumberExpr() {  auto result = std::make_unique<NumberExprAST>(g_number_val);  GetNextToken();  return std::move(result);}


// parenexpr ::= ( expression ) std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseParenExpr() {   GetNextToken();  // eat (   auto expr = ParseExpression();   GetNextToken();  // eat )   return expr; }  /// identifierexpr ///   ::= identifier ///   ::= identifier ( expression, expression, ..., expression ) std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseIdentifierExpr() {   std::string id = g_identifier_str;   GetNextToken();   if (g_current_token != '(') {     return std::make_unique<VariableExprAST>(id);   } else {     GetNextToken();  // eat (     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ExprAST>> args;     while (g_current_token != ')') {       args.push_back(ParseExpression());       if (g_current_token == ')') {         break;       } else {         GetNextToken();  // eat ,       }     }     GetNextToken();  // eat )     return std::make_unique<CallExprAST>(id, std::move(args));   } }


/// primary ///   ::= identifierexpr ///   ::= numberexpr ///   ::= parenexpr std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParsePrimary() {   switch (g_current_token) {     case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: return ParseIdentifierExpr();     case TOKEN_NUMBER: return ParseNumberExpr();     case '(': return ParseParenExpr();     default: return nullptr;   } }


'<' < '+' = '-' < '*'


// 定义优先级 const std::map<char, int> g_binop_precedence = {     {'<', 10}, {'+', 20}, {'-', 20}, {'*', 40}};  // 获得当前Token的优先级 int GetTokenPrecedence() {   auto it = g_binop_precedence.find(g_current_token);   if (it != g_binop_precedence.end()) {     return it->second;   } else {     return -1;   } }


a + b + (c + d) * e * f + g


[+, b], [+, (c+d)], [*, e], [*, f], [+, g]


// parse //   lhs [binop primary] [binop primary] ... // 如遇到优先级小于min_precedence的操作符,则停止 std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseBinOpRhs(int min_precedence,                                        std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> lhs) {   while (true) {     int current_precedence = GetTokenPrecedence();     if (current_precedence < min_precedence) {       // 如果当前token不是二元操作符,current_precedence为-1, 结束任务       // 如果遇到优先级更低的操作符,也结束任务       return lhs;     }     int binop = g_current_token;     GetNextToken();  // eat binop     auto rhs = ParsePrimary();     // 现在我们有两种可能的解析方式     //    * (lhs binop rhs) binop unparsed     //    * lhs binop (rhs binop unparsed)     int next_precedence = GetTokenPrecedence();     if (current_precedence < next_precedence) {       // 将高于current_precedence的右边的操作符处理掉返回       rhs = ParseBinOpRhs(current_precedence + 1, std::move(rhs));     }     lhs =         std::make_unique<BinaryExprAST>(binop, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs));     // 继续循环   } }  // expression //   ::= primary [binop primary] [binop primary] ... std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseExpression() {   auto lhs = ParsePrimary();   return ParseBinOpRhs(0, std::move(lhs)); }


// prototype //   ::= id ( id id ... id) std::unique_ptr<PrototypeAST> ParsePrototype() {   std::string function_name = g_identifier_str;   GetNextToken();   std::vector<std::string> arg_names;   while (GetNextToken() == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) {     arg_names.push_back(g_identifier_str);   }   GetNextToken();  // eat )   return std::make_unique<PrototypeAST>(function_name, std::move(arg_names)); }  // definition ::= def prototype expression std::unique_ptr<FunctionAST> ParseDefinition() {   GetNextToken();  // eat def   auto proto = ParsePrototype();   auto expr = ParseExpression();   return std::make_unique<FunctionAST>(std::move(proto), std::move(expr)); }  // external ::= extern prototype std::unique_ptr<PrototypeAST> ParseExtern() {   GetNextToken();  // eat extern   return ParsePrototype(); }


// toplevelexpr ::= expression std::unique_ptr<FunctionAST> ParseTopLevelExpr() {   auto expr = ParseExpression();   auto proto = std::make_unique<PrototypeAST>("", std::vector<std::string>());   return std::make_unique<FunctionAST>(std::move(proto), std::move(expr)); }


int main() {   GetNextToken();   while (true) {     switch (g_current_token) {       case TOKEN_EOF: return 0;       case TOKEN_DEF: {         ParseDefinition();         std::cout << "parsed a function definition" << std::endl;         break;       }       case TOKEN_EXTERN: {         ParseExtern();         std::cout << "parsed a extern" << std::endl;         break;       }       default: {         ParseTopLevelExpr();         std::cout << "parsed a top level expr" << std::endl;         break;       }     }   }   return 0; }


clang++ main.cpp `llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --libs`


def foo(x y)     x + foo(y, 4)  def foo(x y)     x + y  y  extern sin(a)


parsed a function definition parsed a function definition parsed a top level expr parsed a extern


四、Code Generation to LLVM IR


#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"#include "llvm/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombine.h"#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/GVN.h"
// 记录了LLVM的核心数据结构,比如类型和常量表,不过我们不太需要关心它的内部llvm::LLVMContext g_llvm_context;// 用于创建LLVM指令llvm::IRBuilder<> g_ir_builder(g_llvm_context);// 用于管理函数和全局变量,可以粗浅地理解为类c++的编译单元(单个cpp文件)llvm::Module g_module("my cool jit", g_llvm_context);// 用于记录函数的变量参数std::map<std::string, llvm::Value*> g_named_values;

然后给每个AST Class增加一个CodeGen接口:

// 所有 `表达式` 节点的基类class ExprAST { public:  virtual ~ExprAST() {}  virtual llvm::Value* CodeGen() = 0;};
// 字面值表达式class NumberExprAST : public ExprAST { public: NumberExprAST(double val) : val_(val) {} llvm::Value* CodeGen() override;
private: double val_;};


llvm::Value* NumberExprAST::CodeGen() {  return llvm::ConstantFP::get(g_llvm_context, llvm::APFloat(val_));}

由于Kaleidoscope只有一种数据类型FP64,所以直接调用ConstantFP传入即可,APFloat是llvm内部的数据结构,用于存储Arbitrary Precision Float。在LLVM IR中,所有常量是唯一且共享的,所以这里使用的get而不是new/create。


llvm::Value* VariableExprAST::CodeGen() {  return g_named_values.at(name_);}


接着实现BinaryExprAST,分别codegen lhs,rhs然后创建指令处理lhs,rhs即可。

llvm::Value* BinaryExprAST::CodeGen() {  llvm::Value* lhs = lhs_->CodeGen();  llvm::Value* rhs = rhs_->CodeGen();  switch (op_) {    case '<': {      llvm::Value* tmp = g_ir_builder.CreateFCmpULT(lhs, rhs, "cmptmp");      // 把 0/1 转为 0.0/1.0      return g_ir_builder.CreateUIToFP(          tmp, llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context), "booltmp");    }    case '+': return g_ir_builder.CreateFAdd(lhs, rhs, "addtmp");    case '-': return g_ir_builder.CreateFSub(lhs, rhs, "subtmp");    case '*': return g_ir_builder.CreateFMul(lhs, rhs, "multmp");    default: return nullptr;  }}


llvm::Value* CallExprAST::CodeGen() {  // g_module中存储了全局变量/函数等  llvm::Function* callee = g_module.getFunction(callee_);
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args; for (std::unique_ptr<ExprAST>&amp; arg_expr : args_) { args.push_back(arg_expr->CodeGen()); } return g_ir_builder.CreateCall(callee, args, "calltmp");}


llvm::Value* PrototypeAST::CodeGen() {  // 创建kaleidoscope的函数类型 double (doube, double, ..., double)  std::vector<llvm::Type*> doubles(args_.size(),                                   llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context));  // 函数类型是唯一的,所以使用get而不是new/create  llvm::FunctionType* function_type = llvm::FunctionType::get(      llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context), doubles, false);  // 创建函数, ExternalLinkage意味着函数可能不在当前module中定义,在当前module  // 即g_module中注册名字为name_, 后面可以使用这个名字在g_module中查询  llvm::Function* func = llvm::Function::Create(      function_type, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, name_, &amp;g_module);  // 增加IR可读性,设置function的argument name  int index = 0;  for (auto&amp; arg : func->args()) {    arg.setName(args_[index++]);  }  return func;}


llvm::Value* FunctionAST::CodeGen() {  // 检查函数声明是否已完成codegen(比如之前的extern声明), 如果没有则执行codegen  llvm::Function* func = g_module.getFunction(proto_->name());  if (func == nullptr) {    func = proto_->CodeGen();  }  // 创建一个Block并且设置为指令插入位置。  // llvm block用于定义control flow graph, 由于我们暂不实现control flow, 创建  // 一个单独的block即可  llvm::BasicBlock* block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "entry", func);  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(block);  // 将函数参数注册到g_named_values中,让VariableExprAST可以codegen  g_named_values.clear();  for (llvm::Value&amp; arg : func->args()) {    g_named_values[arg.getName()] = &amp;arg;  }  // codegen body然后return  llvm::Value* ret_val = body_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateRet(ret_val);  llvm::verifyFunction(*func);  return func;}


int main() {  GetNextToken();  while (true) {    switch (g_current_token) {      case TOKEN_EOF: return 0;      case TOKEN_DEF: {        auto ast = ParseDefinition();        std::cout << "parsed a function definition" << std::endl;        ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs());        std::cerr << std::endl;        break;      }      case TOKEN_EXTERN: {        auto ast = ParseExtern();        std::cout << "parsed a extern" << std::endl;        ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs());        std::cerr << std::endl;        break;      }      default: {        auto ast = ParseTopLevelExpr();        std::cout << "parsed a top level expr" << std::endl;        ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs());        std::cerr << std::endl;        break;      }    }  }  return 0;}


4 + 5
def foo(a b) a*a + 2*a*b + b*b
foo(2, 3)
def bar(a) foo(a, 4) + bar(31337)
extern cos(x)


parsed a top level exprdefine double @0() {entry:  ret double 9.000000e+00}
parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %a, double %b) {entry: %multmp = fmul double %a, %a %multmp1 = fmul double 2.000000e+00, %a %multmp2 = fmul double %multmp1, %b %addtmp = fadd double %multmp, %multmp2 %multmp3 = fmul double %b, %b %addtmp4 = fadd double %addtmp, %multmp3 ret double %addtmp4}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @1() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 2.000000e+00, double 3.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
parsed a function definitiondefine double @bar(double %a) {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double %a, double 4.000000e+00) %calltmp1 = call double @bar(double 3.133700e+04) %addtmp = fadd double %calltmp, %calltmp1 ret double %addtmp}
parsed a externdeclare double @cos(double)
parsed a top level exprdefine double @2() {entry: %calltmp = call double @cos(double 1.234000e+00) ret double %calltmp}

至此,我们已成功将Parser输出的AST转为LLVM IR。



def test(x)    1 + 2 + x


parsed a function definitiondefine double @test(double %x) {entry:  %addtmp = fadd double 3.000000e+00, %x  ret double %addtmp}

可以看到,生成的指令直接是1+2的结果,而没有1+2的指令,这种自动把常量计算完毕而不是生成加法指令的优化称为Constant Folding。


def test(x)    (1 + 2 + x) * (x + (1 + 2))


parsed a function definitiondefine double @test(double %x) {entry:  %addtmp = fadd double 3.000000e+00, %x  %addtmp1 = fadd double %x, 3.000000e+00  %multmp = fmul double %addtmp, %addtmp1  ret double %multmp}




llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManager g_fpm(&amp;g_module);
int main() { g_fpm.add(llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass()); g_fpm.add(llvm::createReassociatePass()); g_fpm.add(llvm::createGVNPass()); g_fpm.add(llvm::createCFGSimplificationPass()); g_fpm.doInitialization(); ...}


llvm::Value* ret_val = body_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateRet(ret_val);  llvm::verifyFunction(*func);  g_fpm.run(*func); // 增加这句  return func;


parsed a function definitiondefine double @test(double %x) {entry:  %addtmp = fadd double %x, 3.000000e+00  %multmp = fmul double %addtmp, %addtmp  ret double %multmp}


六、Adding a JIT  Compiler


// 用于管理函数和全局变量,可以粗浅地理解为类c++的编译单元(单个cpp文件)std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> g_module =    std::make_unique<llvm::Module>("my cool jit", g_llvm_context);



// toplevelexpr ::= expressionstd::unique_ptr<FunctionAST> ParseTopLevelExpr() {  auto expr = ParseExpression();  auto proto =      std::make_unique<PrototypeAST>("__anon_expr", std::vector<std::string>());  return std::make_unique<FunctionAST>(std::move(proto), std::move(expr));}



#include "KaleidoscopeJIT.h"
std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::KaleidoscopeJIT> g_jit;
int main() { llvm::InitializeNativeTarget(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser(); g_jit.reset(new llvm::orc::KaleidoscopeJIT); g_module->setDataLayout(g_jit->getTargetMachine().createDataLayout()); ...}

修改main处理top level expr的代码为:

auto ast = ParseTopLevelExpr();        std::cout << "parsed a top level expr" << std::endl;        ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs());        std::cout << std::endl;        auto h = g_jit->addModule(std::move(g_module));        // 重新创建g_module在下次使用        g_module =            std::make_unique<llvm::Module>("my cool jit", g_llvm_context);        g_module->setDataLayout(g_jit->getTargetMachine().createDataLayout());        // 通过名字找到编译的函数符号        auto symbol = g_jit->findSymbol("__anon_expr");        // 强转为C函数指针        double (*fp)() = (double (*)())(symbol.getAddress().get());        // 执行输出        std::cout << fp() << std::endl;        g_jit->removeModule(h);        break;


4 + 5
def foo(a b) a*a + 2*a*b + b*b
foo(2, 3)


parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry:  ret double 9.000000e+00}
9parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %a, double %b) {entry: %multmp = fmul double %a, %a %multmp1 = fmul double 2.000000e+00, %a %multmp2 = fmul double %multmp1, %b %addtmp = fadd double %multmp, %multmp2 %multmp3 = fmul double %b, %b %addtmp4 = fadd double %addtmp, %multmp3 ret double %addtmp4}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 2.000000e+00, double 3.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}



void ReCreateModule() {  g_module = std::make_unique<llvm::Module>("my cool jit", g_llvm_context);  g_module->setDataLayout(g_jit->getTargetMachine().createDataLayout());}
void ParseDefinitionToken() { auto ast = ParseDefinition(); std::cout << "parsed a function definition" << std::endl; ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs()); std::cerr << std::endl;}
void ParseExternToken() { auto ast = ParseExtern(); std::cout << "parsed a extern" << std::endl; ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs()); std::cerr << std::endl;}
void ParseTopLevel() { auto ast = ParseTopLevelExpr(); std::cout << "parsed a top level expr" << std::endl; ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs()); std::cout << std::endl; auto h = g_jit->addModule(std::move(g_module)); // 重新创建g_module在下次使用 ReCreateModule(); // 通过名字找到编译的函数符号 auto symbol = g_jit->findSymbol("__anon_expr"); // 强转为C函数指针 double (*fp)() = (double (*)())(symbol.getAddress().get()); // 执行输出 std::cout << fp() << std::endl; g_jit->removeModule(h);}
int main() { llvm::InitializeNativeTarget(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser(); g_jit.reset(new llvm::orc::KaleidoscopeJIT); g_module->setDataLayout(g_jit->getTargetMachine().createDataLayout());
GetNextToken(); while (true) { switch (g_current_token) { case TOKEN_EOF: return 0; case TOKEN_DEF: ParseDefinitionToken(); break; case TOKEN_EXTERN: ParseExternToken(); break; default: ParseTopLevel(); break; } } return 0;}

为了解决第二次调用foo失败的问题,我们需要让function和top level expr处于不同的Module,而处于不同Module的话,CallExprAST的CodeGen在当前module会找不到function,所以需要自动在CallExprAST做CodeGen时在当前Module声明这个函数,即自动地增加extern,也就是在当前Module自动做对应PrototypeAST的CodeGen。


std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<PrototypeAST>> name2proto_ast;
llvm::Function* GetFunction(const std::string&amp; name) { llvm::Function* callee = g_module->getFunction(name); if (callee != nullptr) { // 当前module存在函数定义 return callee; } else { // 声明函数 return name2proto_ast.at(name)->CodeGen(); }}


llvm::Value* CallExprAST::CodeGen() {  llvm::Function* callee = GetFunction(callee_);
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args; for (std::unique_ptr<ExprAST>&amp; arg_expr : args_) { args.push_back(arg_expr->CodeGen()); } return g_ir_builder.CreateCall(callee, args, "calltmp");}


llvm::Value* FunctionAST::CodeGen() {  PrototypeAST&amp; proto = *proto_;  name2proto_ast[proto.name()] = std::move(proto_);  // transfer ownership  llvm::Function* func = GetFunction(proto.name());  // 创建一个Block并且设置为指令插入位置。  // llvm block用于定义control flow graph, 由于我们暂不实现control flow, 创建  // 一个单独的block即可  llvm::BasicBlock* block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "entry", func);  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(block);  // 将函数参数注册到g_named_values中,让VariableExprAST可以codegen  g_named_values.clear();  for (llvm::Value&amp; arg : func->args()) {    g_named_values[arg.getName()] = &amp;arg;  }  // codegen body然后return  llvm::Value* ret_val = body_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateRet(ret_val);  llvm::verifyFunction(*func);  return func;}


void ParseExternToken() {  auto ast = ParseExtern();  std::cout << "parsed a extern" << std::endl;  ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs());  std::cerr << std::endl;  name2proto_ast[ast->name()] = std::move(ast);}


void ParseDefinitionToken() {  auto ast = ParseDefinition();  std::cout << "parsed a function definition" << std::endl;  ast->CodeGen()->print(llvm::errs());  std::cerr << std::endl;  g_jit->addModule(std::move(g_module));  ReCreateModule();}


def foo(x)    x + 1
def foo(x) x + 2
extern sin(x)extern cos(x)
def foo(x) sin(x) * sin(x) + cos(x) * cos(x)


parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %x) {entry:  %addtmp = fadd double %x, 1.000000e+00  ret double %addtmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 2.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
3parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %x) {entry: %addtmp = fadd double %x, 2.000000e+00 ret double %addtmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 2.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
4parsed a externdeclare double @sin(double)
parsed a externdeclare double @cos(double)
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @sin(double 1.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
0.841471parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %x) {entry: %calltmp = call double @sin(double %x) %calltmp1 = call double @sin(double %x) %multmp = fmul double %calltmp, %calltmp1 %calltmp2 = call double @cos(double %x) %calltmp3 = call double @cos(double %x) %multmp4 = fmul double %calltmp2, %calltmp3 %addtmp = fadd double %multmp, %multmp4 ret double %addtmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 4.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
1parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 3.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}


JITSymbol findMangledSymbol(const std::string &amp;Name) {#ifdef _WIN32    // The symbol lookup of ObjectLinkingLayer uses the SymbolRef::SF_Exported    // flag to decide whether a symbol will be visible or not, when we call    // IRCompileLayer::findSymbolIn with ExportedSymbolsOnly set to true.    //    // But for Windows COFF objects, this flag is currently never set.    // For a potential solution see: https://reviews.llvm.org/rL258665    // For now, we allow non-exported symbols on Windows as a workaround.    const bool ExportedSymbolsOnly = false;#else    const bool ExportedSymbolsOnly = true;#endif
// Search modules in reverse order: from last added to first added. // This is the opposite of the usual search order for dlsym, but makes more // sense in a REPL where we want to bind to the newest available definition. for (auto H : make_range(ModuleKeys.rbegin(), ModuleKeys.rend())) if (auto Sym = CompileLayer.findSymbolIn(H, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly)) return Sym;
// If we can't find the symbol in the JIT, try looking in the host process. if (auto SymAddr = RTDyldMemoryManager::getSymbolAddressInProcess(Name)) return JITSymbol(SymAddr, JITSymbolFlags::Exported);
#ifdef _WIN32 // For Windows retry without "_" at beginning, as RTDyldMemoryManager uses // GetProcAddress and standard libraries like msvcrt.dll use names // with and without "_" (for example "_itoa" but "sin"). if (Name.length() > 2 &amp;&amp; Name[0] == '_') if (auto SymAddr = RTDyldMemoryManager::getSymbolAddressInProcess(Name.substr(1))) return JITSymbol(SymAddr, JITSymbolFlags::Exported);#endif
return null

可以看到,在之前定义的Module找不到后会在host process中寻找这个符号。


继续给我们的Kaleidoscope添加功能之前,需要先介绍SSA,Static Single Assignment。考虑下面代码:

y := 1y := 2x := y


y_1 = 1y_2 = 2x_1 = y_2


  • 每个变量仅且必须被赋值一次,原本代码中的多次变量赋值会被赋予版本号然后视为不同变量。

  • 每个变量在被使用之前必须被定义。

考虑如下Control Flow Graph:


可以看到,这里遇到一个问题,最下面的block里面的y应该使用y1还是y2,为了解决这个问题,插入一个特殊语句称为phi function,其会根据control flow从y1和y2中选择一个值作为y3,如下:

可以看到,对于x不需要phi function,因为两个分支到最后的都是x2。

八、Control Flow

我们现在实现的Kaleidoscope还不够完善,缺少if else控制流,比如不支持如下代码:

def fib(x)    if x < 3 then        1    else        fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

首先让我们的Lexer能识别if then else三个关键字,增加TOKEN类型:

  TOKEN_IF = -6,          // if  TOKEN_THEN = -7,        // then  TOKEN_ELSE = -8,        // else


// 识别字符串  if (isalpha(last_char)) {    g_identifier_str = last_char;    while (isalnum((last_char = getchar()))) {      g_identifier_str += last_char;    }    if (g_identifier_str == "def") {      return TOKEN_DEF;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "extern") {      return TOKEN_EXTERN;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "if") {      return TOKEN_IF;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "then") {      return TOKEN_THEN;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "else") {      return TOKEN_ELSE;    } else {      return TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;    }  }


// if then elseclass IfExprAST : public ExprAST { public:  IfExprAST(std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> cond, std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> then_expr,            std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> else_expr)      : cond_(std::move(cond)),        then_expr_(std::move(then_expr)),        else_expr_(std::move(else_expr)) {}
llvm::Value* CodeGen() override;
private: std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> cond_; std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> then_expr_; std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> else_expr_;};


std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseIfExpr() {  GetNextToken();  // eat if  std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> cond = ParseExpression();  GetNextToken();  // eat then  std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> then_expr = ParseExpression();  GetNextToken();  // eat else  std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> else_expr = ParseExpression();  return std::make_unique<IfExprAST>(std::move(cond), std::move(then_expr),                                     std::move(else_expr));}


// primary//   ::= identifierexpr//   ::= numberexpr//   ::= parenexprstd::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParsePrimary() {  switch (g_current_token) {    case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: return ParseIdentifierExpr();    case TOKEN_NUMBER: return ParseNumberExpr();    case '(': return ParseParenExpr();    case TOKEN_IF: return ParseIfExpr();    default: return nullptr;  }}


llvm::Value* IfExprAST::CodeGen() {  llvm::Value* cond_value = cond_->CodeGen();  // 创建fcmp one指令, cond_value = (cond_value != 0.0)  // 转为1bit (bool)类型  cond_value = g_ir_builder.CreateFCmpONE(      cond_value, llvm::ConstantFP::get(g_llvm_context, llvm::APFloat(0.0)),      "ifcond");  // 在每个function内我们会创建一个block, 这里一定在这个block内,根据block得到  // 对应的上层function  llvm::Function* func = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent();  // 为then else以及最后的final创建block  llvm::BasicBlock* then_block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "then", func);  llvm::BasicBlock* else_block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "else");  llvm::BasicBlock* final_block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "ifcont");  // 创建跳转指令,根据cond_value选择then_block/else_block  g_ir_builder.CreateCondBr(cond_value, then_block, else_block);  // codegen then_block, 增加跳转final_block指令  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(then_block);  llvm::Value* then_value = then_expr_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateBr(final_block);  // then语句内可能会有嵌套的if/then/else, 在嵌套的codegen时,会改变当前的  // InsertBlock, 我们需要有最终结果的那个block作为这里的then_block  then_block = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock();  // 在这里才加入是为了让这个block位于上面的then里嵌套block的后面  func->getBasicBlockList().push_back(else_block);  // 与then类似  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(else_block);  llvm::Value* else_value = else_expr_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateBr(final_block);  else_block = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock();  // codegen final  func->getBasicBlockList().push_back(final_block);  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(final_block);  llvm::PHINode* pn = g_ir_builder.CreatePHI(      llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context), 2, "iftmp");  pn->addIncoming(then_value, then_block);  pn->addIncoming(else_value, else_block);  return pn;}

这里使用了上一节SSA中提到的phi function,输入:

def foo(x)    if x < 3 then        1    else        foo(x - 1) + foo(x - 2)


parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %x) {entry:  %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %x, 3.000000e+00  %booltmp = uitofp i1 %cmptmp to double  %ifcond = fcmp one double %booltmp, 0.000000e+00  br i1 %ifcond, label %then, label %else
then: ; preds = %entry br label %ifcont
else: ; preds = %entry %subtmp = fsub double %x, 1.000000e+00 %calltmp = call double @foo(double %subtmp) %subtmp1 = fsub double %x, 2.000000e+00 %calltmp2 = call double @foo(double %subtmp1) %addtmp = fadd double %calltmp, %calltmp2 br label %ifcont
ifcont: ; preds = %else, %then %iftmp = phi double [ 1.000000e+00, %then ], [ %addtmp, %else ] ret double %iftmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 1.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
1parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 2.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
1parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 3.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}
2parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @foo(double 4.000000e+00) ret double %calltmp}


extern "C" double printd(double x) {  printf("%lf\n", x);  return 0.0;}


clang++ -g main.cpp \`llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --libs\` -Wl,-no-as-needed -rdynamic


extern printd(x)


parsed a externdeclare double @printd(double)
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %calltmp = call double @printd(double 1.200000e+01) ret double %calltmp}


def printstar(n):     for i = 1, i < n, 1.0 in # for (double i = 1.0; i < n; i += 1.0)        printd(n)


enum Token {   TOKEN_EOF = -1,         // 文件结束标识符   TOKEN_DEF = -2,         // 关键字def   TOKEN_EXTERN = -3,      // 关键字extern   TOKEN_IDENTIFIER = -4,  // 名字   TOKEN_NUMBER = -5,      // 数值   TOKEN_IF = -6,          // if   TOKEN_THEN = -7,        // then   TOKEN_ELSE = -8,        // else   TOKEN_FOR = -9,         // for   TOKEN_IN = -10          // in };


 // 识别字符串   if (isalpha(last_char)) {     g_identifier_str = last_char;     while (isalnum((last_char = getchar()))) {       g_identifier_str += last_char;     }     if (g_identifier_str == "def") {       return TOKEN_DEF;     } else if (g_identifier_str == "extern") {       return TOKEN_EXTERN;     } else if (g_identifier_str == "if") {       return TOKEN_IF;     } else if (g_identifier_str == "then") {       return TOKEN_THEN;     } else if (g_identifier_str == "else") {       return TOKEN_ELSE;     } else if (g_identifier_str == "for") {       return TOKEN_FOR;     } else if (g_identifier_str == "in") {       return TOKEN_IN;     } else {       return TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;     }   }


// for in class ForExprAST : public ExprAST {  public:   ForExprAST(const std::string&amp; var_name, std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> start_expr,              std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> end_expr,              std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> step_expr,              std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> body_expr)       : var_name_(var_name),         start_expr_(std::move(start_expr)),         end_expr_(std::move(end_expr)),         step_expr_(std::move(step_expr)),         body_expr_(std::move(body_expr)) {}    llvm::Value* CodeGen() override;   private:   std::string var_name_;   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> start_expr_;   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> end_expr_;   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> step_expr_;   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> body_expr_; };


// forexpr ::= for var_name = start_expr, end_expr, step_expr in body_expr std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParseForExpr() {   GetNextToken();  // eat for   std::string var_name = g_identifier_str;   GetNextToken();  // eat var_name   GetNextToken();  // eat =   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> start_expr = ParseExpression();   GetNextToken();  // eat ,   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> end_expr = ParseExpression();   GetNextToken();  // eat ,   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> step_expr = ParseExpression();   GetNextToken();  // eat in   std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> body_expr = ParseExpression();   return std::make_unique<ForExprAST>(var_name, std::move(start_expr),                                       std::move(end_expr), std::move(step_expr),                                       std::move(body_expr)); } // primary //   ::= identifierexpr //   ::= numberexpr //   ::= parenexpr std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> ParsePrimary() {   switch (g_current_token) {     case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: return ParseIdentifierExpr();     case TOKEN_NUMBER: return ParseNumberExpr();     case '(': return ParseParenExpr();     case TOKEN_IF: return ParseIfExpr();     case TOKEN_FOR: return ParseForExpr();     default: return nullptr;   } }


llvm::Value* ForExprAST::CodeGen() {   // codegen start   llvm::Value* start_val = start_expr_->CodeGen();   // 获取当前function   llvm::Function* func = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent();   // 保存当前的block   llvm::BasicBlock* pre_block = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock();   // 新增一个loop block到当前function   llvm::BasicBlock* loop_block =       llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "loop", func);   // 为当前block增加到loop_block的跳转指令   g_ir_builder.CreateBr(loop_block);   // 开始在loop_block内增加指令   g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(loop_block);   llvm::PHINode* var = g_ir_builder.CreatePHI(       llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context), 2, var_name_.c_str());   // 如果来自pre_block的跳转,则取start_val的值   var->addIncoming(start_val, pre_block);   // 现在我们新增了一个变量var,因为可能会被后面的代码引用,所以要注册到   // g_named_values中,其可能会和函数参数重名,但我们这里为了方便不管   // 这个特殊情况,直接注册到g_named_values中,   g_named_values[var_name_] = var;   // 在loop_block中增加body的指令   body_expr_->CodeGen();   // codegen step_expr   llvm::Value* step_value = step_expr_->CodeGen();   // next_var = var + step_value   llvm::Value* next_value = g_ir_builder.CreateFAdd(var, step_value, "nextvar");   // codegen end_expr   llvm::Value* end_value = end_expr_->CodeGen();   // end_value = (end_value != 0.0)   end_value = g_ir_builder.CreateFCmpONE(       end_value, llvm::ConstantFP::get(g_llvm_context, llvm::APFloat(0.0)),       "loopcond");   // 和if/then/else一样,这里的block可能会发生变化,保存当前的block   llvm::BasicBlock* loop_end_block = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock();   // 创建循环结束后的block   llvm::BasicBlock* after_block =       llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "afterloop", func);   // 根据end_value选择是再来一次loop_block还是进入after_block   g_ir_builder.CreateCondBr(end_value, loop_block, after_block);   // 给after_block增加指令   g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(after_block);   // 如果是再次循环,取新的值   var->addIncoming(next_value, loop_end_block);   // 循环结束,避免被再次引用   g_named_values.erase(var_name_);   // return 0   return llvm::Constant::getNullValue(llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context)); }


extern printd(x)  def foo(x)     if x < 3 then         1     else         foo(x - 1) + foo(x - 2)  for i = 1, i < 10, 1.0 in     printd(foo(i))


parsed a extern declare double @printd(double)  parsed a function definition define double @foo(double %x) { entry:   %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %x, 3.000000e+00   %booltmp = uitofp i1 %cmptmp to double   %ifcond = fcmp one double %booltmp, 0.000000e+00   br i1 %ifcond, label %then, label %else  then:                                             ; preds = %entry   br label %ifcont  else:                                             ; preds = %entry   %subtmp = fsub double %x, 1.000000e+00   %calltmp = call double @foo(double %subtmp)   %subtmp1 = fsub double %x, 2.000000e+00   %calltmp2 = call double @foo(double %subtmp1)   %addtmp = fadd double %calltmp, %calltmp2   br label %ifcont  ifcont:                                           ; preds = %else, %then   %iftmp = phi double [ 1.000000e+00, %then ], [ %addtmp, %else ]   ret double %iftmp }  parsed a top level expr define double @__anon_expr() { entry:   br label %loop  loop:                                             ; preds = %loop, %entry   %i = phi double [ 1.000000e+00, %entry ], [ %nextvar, %loop ]   %calltmp = call double @foo(double %i)   %calltmp1 = call double @printd(double %calltmp)   %nextvar = fadd double %i, 1.000000e+00   %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %i, 1.000000e+01   %booltmp = uitofp i1 %cmptmp to double   %loopcond = fcmp one double %booltmp, 0.000000e+00   br i1 %loopcond, label %loop, label %afterloop  afterloop:                                        ; preds = %loop   ret double 0.000000e+00 }  1.000000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 5.000000 8.000000 13.000000 21.000000 34.000000 55.000000 0


九、User-Defined Operators


# 新增二元操作符 `>`, 优先级等于内置的 `<`def binary> 10 (LHS RHS)  RHS < LHS
# 新增二元操作符 `|`, 优先级为5def binary| 5 (LHS RHS) if LHS then 1 else if RHS then 1 else 0
# 新增二元操作符 `=`,优先级为9,这个操作符类似C++的 `==`def binary= 9 (LHS RHS) !(LHS < RHS | LHS > RHS)


enum Token {  ...  TOKEN_BINARY = -11,     // binary};


// 从标准输入解析一个Token并返回int GetToken() {  ...  // 识别字符串  if (isalpha(last_char)) {    ...    if (g_identifier_str == "def") {      return TOKEN_DEF;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "extern") {      return TOKEN_EXTERN;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "if") {      return TOKEN_IF;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "then") {      return TOKEN_THEN;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "else") {      return TOKEN_ELSE;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "for") {      return TOKEN_FOR;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "in") {      return TOKEN_IN;    } else if (g_identifier_str == "binary") {      return TOKEN_BINARY;    } else {      return TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;    }  }  ...}


// 函数接口class PrototypeAST { public:  PrototypeAST(const std::string&amp; name, std::vector<std::string> args,               bool is_operator = false, int op_precedence = 0)      : name_(name),        args_(std::move(args)),        is_operator_(is_operator),        op_precedence_(op_precedence) {}  llvm::Function* CodeGen();
const std::string&amp; name() const { return name_; } int op_precedence() const { return op_precedence_; } bool IsUnaryOp() const { return is_operator_ &amp;&amp; args_.size() == 1; } bool IsBinaryOp() const { return is_operator_ &amp;&amp; args_.size() == 2; }
// like `|` in `binary|` char GetOpName() { return name_[name_.size() - 1]; }
private: std::string name_; std::vector<std::string> args_; bool is_operator_; int op_precedence_;};


// prototype//   ::= id ( id id ... id)//   ::= binary binop precedence (id id)std::unique_ptr<PrototypeAST> ParsePrototype() {  std::string function_name;  bool is_operator = false;  int precedence = 0;  switch (g_current_token) {    case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: {      function_name = g_identifier_str;      is_operator = false;      GetNextToken();  // eat id      break;    }    case TOKEN_BINARY: {      GetNextToken();  // eat binary      function_name = "binary";      function_name += (char)(g_current_token);      is_operator = true;      GetNextToken();  // eat binop      precedence = g_number_val;      GetNextToken();  // eat precedence      break;    }  }  std::vector<std::string> arg_names;  while (GetNextToken() == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) {    arg_names.push_back(g_identifier_str);  }  GetNextToken();  // eat )  return std::make_unique<PrototypeAST>(function_name, arg_names, is_operator,                                        precedence);}


llvm::Value* BinaryExprAST::CodeGen() {  llvm::Value* lhs = lhs_->CodeGen();  llvm::Value* rhs = rhs_->CodeGen();  switch (op_) {    case '<': {      llvm::Value* tmp = g_ir_builder.CreateFCmpULT(lhs, rhs, "cmptmp");      // 把 0/1 转为 0.0/1.0      return g_ir_builder.CreateUIToFP(          tmp, llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context), "booltmp");    }    case '+': return g_ir_builder.CreateFAdd(lhs, rhs, "addtmp");    case '-': return g_ir_builder.CreateFSub(lhs, rhs, "subtmp");    case '*': return g_ir_builder.CreateFMul(lhs, rhs, "multmp");    default: {      // user defined operator      llvm::Function* func = GetFunction(std::string("binary") + op_);      llvm::Value* operands[2] = {lhs, rhs};      return g_ir_builder.CreateCall(func, operands, "binop");    }  }}


llvm::Value* FunctionAST::CodeGen() {  PrototypeAST&amp; proto = *proto_;  name2proto_ast[proto.name()] = std::move(proto_);  // transfer ownership  llvm::Function* func = GetFunction(proto.name());  if (proto.IsBinaryOp()) {    g_binop_precedence[proto.GetOpName()] = proto.op_precedence();  }  // 创建一个Block并且设置为指令插入位置。  // llvm block用于定义control flow graph, 由于我们暂不实现control flow, 创建  // 一个单独的block即可  llvm::BasicBlock* block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "entry", func);  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(block);  // 将函数参数注册到g_named_values中,让VariableExprAST可以codegen  g_named_values.clear();  for (llvm::Value&amp; arg : func->args()) {    g_named_values[arg.getName()] = &amp;arg;  }  // codegen body然后return  llvm::Value* ret_val = body_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateRet(ret_val);  llvm::verifyFunction(*func);  return func;}


# 新增二元操作符 `>`, 优先级等于内置的 `<`def binary> 10 (LHS RHS)  RHS < LHS
1 > 22 > 1
# 新增二元操作符 `|`, 优先级为5def binary| 5 (LHS RHS) if LHS then 1 else if RHS then 1 else 0
1 | 00 | 10 | 01 | 1


parsed a function definitiondefine double @"binary>"(double %LHS, double %RHS) {entry:  %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %RHS, %LHS  %booltmp = uitofp i1 %cmptmp to double  ret double %booltmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %binop = call double @"binary>"(double 1.000000e+00, double 2.000000e+00) ret double %binop}
0parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %binop = call double @"binary>"(double 2.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00) ret double %binop}
1parsed a function definitiondefine double @"binary|"(double %LHS, double %RHS) {entry: %ifcond = fcmp one double %LHS, 0.000000e+00 br i1 %ifcond, label %then, label %else
then: ; preds = %entry br label %ifcont4
else: ; preds = %entry %ifcond1 = fcmp one double %RHS, 0.000000e+00 br i1 %ifcond1, label %then2, label %else3
then2: ; preds = %else br label %ifcont
else3: ; preds = %else br label %ifcont
ifcont: ; preds = %else3, %then2 %iftmp = phi double [ 1.000000e+00, %then2 ], [ 0.000000e+00, %else3 ] br label %ifcont4 ifcont4: ; preds = %ifcont, %then %iftmp5 = phi double [ 1.000000e+00, %then ], [ %iftmp, %ifcont ] ret double %iftmp5}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %binop = call double @"binary|"(double 1.000000e+00, double 0.000000e+00) ret double %binop}
1parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %binop = call double @"binary|"(double 0.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00) ret double %binop}
1parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %binop = call double @"binary|"(double 0.000000e+00, double 0.000000e+00) ret double %binop}
0parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %binop = call double @"binary|"(double 1.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00) ret double %binop}

十、Mutable Variables


int G, H;int test(_Bool Condition) {  int X;  if (Condition)    X = G;  else    X = H;  return X;}

由于变量X的值依赖于程序的执行路径,会加入一个phi node来选取分支结果。上面代码的LLVM IR如下:

@G = weak global i32 0   ; type of @G is i32*@H = weak global i32 0   ; type of @H is i32*
define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {entry: br i1 %Condition, label %cond_true, label %cond_false
cond_true: %X.0 = load i32* @G br label %cond_next
cond_false: %X.1 = load i32* @H br label %cond_next
cond_next: %X.2 = phi i32 [ %X.1, %cond_false ], [ %X.0, %cond_true ] ret i32 %X.2}

上面的X是符合SSA格式的,但是这里真正的难题是给可变变量赋值时怎么自动添加phi node。我们先了解一些信息,LLVM要求寄存器变量是SSA格式,但却不允许内存对象是SSA格式。比如上面的例子中,G和H就没有版本号。在LLVM中,所有内存访问都是显示的load/store指令,并且不存在取内存地址的操作。


define i32 @example() {entry:  %X = alloca i32           ; type of %X is i32*.  ...  %tmp = load i32* %X       ; load the stack value %X from the stack.  %tmp2 = add i32 %tmp, 1   ; increment it  store i32 %tmp2, i32* %X  ; store it back  ...

于是我们可以把上面使用phi node的LLVM IR改写为使用栈上变量:

@G = weak global i32 0   ; type of @G is i32*@H = weak global i32 0   ; type of @H is i32*
define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {entry: %X = alloca i32 ; type of %X is i32*. br i1 %Condition, label %cond_true, label %cond_false
cond_true: %X.0 = load i32* @G store i32 %X.0, i32* %X ; Update X br label %cond_next
cond_false: %X.1 = load i32* @H store i32 %X.1, i32* %X ; Update X br label %cond_next
cond_next: %X.2 = load i32* %X ; Read X ret i32 %X.2}

于是我们找到了一个处理任意可变变量而且不需要创建phi node的办法:

  1. 每个可变变量在栈上创建。

  2. 变量读取变为load from stack。

  3. 变量更新变为store to stack。

  4. 使用栈上地址作为变量地址。

但是这会带来一个新的问题,因为内存速度不如寄存器,大量使用栈会有性能问题。不过,LLVM优化器有一个pass称为“mem2reg”,专门将stack的使用自动地尽可能转为使用phi node,下面为自动优化的结果:

@G = weak global i32 0@H = weak global i32 0
define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {entry: br i1 %Condition, label %cond_true, label %cond_false
cond_true: %X.0 = load i32* @G br label %cond_next
cond_false: %X.1 = load i32* @H br label %cond_next
cond_next: %X.01 = phi i32 [ %X.1, %cond_false ], [ %X.0, %cond_true ] ret i32 %X.01}

mem2reg实现了一个称为“iterated dominance frontier”的标准算法来自动创建SSA格式。对mem2reg的使用需要注意:

  1. mem2reg只能优化栈上变量,不会优化全局变量和堆上变量。

  2. mem2reg只优化entry block中的栈上变量创建,因为在entry block中就意味着只创建一次。

  3. 如果对栈上变量有load和store之外的操作,mem2reg也不会优化。

  4. mem2reg只能优化基本类型的栈上变量,比如指针,数值和数组。其中数组的大小必须为对于结构体和数组等的优化需要另一个称为“sroa的pass。


std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> g_module;std::unique_ptr<llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManager> g_fpm;


void ReCreateModule() {  g_module = std::make_unique<llvm::Module>("my cool jit", g_llvm_context);  g_module->setDataLayout(g_jit->getTargetMachine().createDataLayout());  g_fpm = std::make_unique<llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManager>(g_module.get());  g_fpm->add(llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass());  g_fpm->add(llvm::createReassociatePass());  g_fpm->add(llvm::createGVNPass());  g_fpm->add(llvm::createCFGSimplificationPass());  g_fpm->doInitialization();}




int main() {  llvm::InitializeNativeTarget();  llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter();  llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser();  g_jit.reset(new llvm::orc::KaleidoscopeJIT);  ReCreateModule();  ...}


std::map<std::string, llvm::AllocaInst*> g_named_values;


llvm::AllocaInst* CreateEntryBlockAlloca(llvm::Function* func,                                         const std::string&amp; var_name) {  llvm::IRBuilder<> ir_builder(&amp;(func->getEntryBlock()),                               func->getEntryBlock().begin());  return ir_builder.CreateAlloca(llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context), 0,                                 var_name.c_str());}


llvm::Value* VariableExprAST::CodeGen() {  llvm::AllocaInst* val = g_named_values.at(name_);  return g_ir_builder.CreateLoad(val, name_.c_str());}


llvm::Value* ForExprAST::CodeGen() {  // 获取当前function  llvm::Function* func = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent();  // 将变量创建为栈上变量,不再是phi node  llvm::AllocaInst* var = CreateEntryBlockAlloca(func, var_name_);  // codegen start  llvm::Value* start_val = start_expr_->CodeGen();  // 将初始值赋给var  g_ir_builder.CreateStore(start_val, var);  // 新增一个loop block到当前function  llvm::BasicBlock* loop_block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "loop", func);  // 为当前block增加到loop_block的跳转指令  g_ir_builder.CreateBr(loop_block);  // 开始在loop_block内增加指令  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(loop_block);  // 现在我们新增了一个变量var,因为可能会被后面的代码引用,所以要注册到  // g_named_values中,其可能会和函数参数重名,但我们这里为了方便不管  // 这个特殊情况,直接注册到g_named_values中,  g_named_values[var_name_] = var;  // 在loop_block中增加body的指令  body_expr_->CodeGen();  // codegen step_expr  llvm::Value* step_value = step_expr_->CodeGen();  // var = var + step_value  llvm::Value* cur_value = g_ir_builder.CreateLoad(var);  llvm::Value* next_value =      g_ir_builder.CreateFAdd(cur_value, step_value, "nextvar");  g_ir_builder.CreateStore(next_value, var);  // codegen end_expr  llvm::Value* end_value = end_expr_->CodeGen();  // end_value = (end_value != 0.0)  end_value = g_ir_builder.CreateFCmpONE(      end_value, llvm::ConstantFP::get(g_llvm_context, llvm::APFloat(0.0)),      "loopcond");  // 和if/then/else一样,这里的block可能会发生变化,保存当前的block  llvm::BasicBlock* loop_end_block = g_ir_builder.GetInsertBlock();  // 创建循环结束后的block  llvm::BasicBlock* after_block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "afterloop", func);  // 根据end_value选择是再来一次loop_block还是进入after_block  g_ir_builder.CreateCondBr(end_value, loop_block, after_block);  // 给after_block增加指令  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(after_block);  // 循环结束,避免被再次引用  g_named_values.erase(var_name_);  // return 0  return llvm::Constant::getNullValue(llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(g_llvm_context));}


llvm::Value* FunctionAST::CodeGen() {  PrototypeAST&amp; proto = *proto_;  name2proto_ast[proto.name()] = std::move(proto_);  // transfer ownership  llvm::Function* func = GetFunction(proto.name());  if (proto.IsBinaryOp()) {    g_binop_precedence[proto.GetOpName()] = proto.op_precedence();  }  // 创建一个Block并且设置为指令插入位置。  // llvm block用于定义control flow graph, 由于我们暂不实现control flow, 创建  // 一个单独的block即可  llvm::BasicBlock* block =      llvm::BasicBlock::Create(g_llvm_context, "entry", func);  g_ir_builder.SetInsertPoint(block);  // 将函数参数注册到g_named_values中,让VariableExprAST可以codegen  g_named_values.clear();  for (llvm::Value&amp; arg : func->args()) {    // 为每个参数创建一个栈上变量,并赋初值,修改g_named_values使得后面的引用    // 会引用这个栈上变量    llvm::AllocaInst* var = CreateEntryBlockAlloca(func, arg.getName());    g_ir_builder.CreateStore(&amp;arg, var);    g_named_values[arg.getName()] = var;  }  // codegen body然后return  llvm::Value* ret_val = body_->CodeGen();  g_ir_builder.CreateRet(ret_val);  llvm::verifyFunction(*func);  g_fpm->run(*func);  return func;}


extern printd(x)
def foo(x) if x < 3 then 1 else foo(x - 1) + foo(x - 2)
for i = 1, i < 10, 1.0 in printd(foo(i))


parsed a extern                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [13/48988]declare double @printd(double)
parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %x) {entry: %x1 = alloca double, align 8 store double %x, double* %x1, align 8 %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %x, 3.000000e+00 br i1 %cmptmp, label %ifcont, label %else
else: ; preds = %entry %subtmp = fadd double %x, -1.000000e+00 %calltmp = call double @foo(double %subtmp) %subtmp5 = fadd double %x, -2.000000e+00 %calltmp6 = call double @foo(double %subtmp5) %addtmp = fadd double %calltmp, %calltmp6 br label %ifcont
ifcont: ; preds = %entry, %else %iftmp = phi double [ %addtmp, %else ], [ 1.000000e+00, %entry ] ret double %iftmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: %i = alloca double, align 8 store double 1.000000e+00, double* %i, align 8 br label %loop
loop: ; preds = %loop, %entry %i1 = phi double [ %nextvar, %loop ], [ 1.000000e+00, %entry ] %calltmp = call double @foo(double %i1) %calltmp2 = call double @printd(double %calltmp) %nextvar = fadd double %i1, 1.000000e+00 store double %nextvar, double* %i, align 8 %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %nextvar, 1.000000e+01 br i1 %cmptmp, label %loop, label %afterloop
afterloop: ; preds = %loop ret double 0.000000e+00}

可以看到,新版本的IR中已经没有了phi node,接下来我们加入优化器:

  g_fpm->add(llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass());  g_fpm->add(llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass());  g_fpm->add(llvm::createReassociatePass());


parsed a externdeclare double @printd(double)
parsed a function definitiondefine double @foo(double %x) {entry: %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %x, 3.000000e+00 br i1 %cmptmp, label %ifcont, label %else
else: ; preds = %entry %subtmp = fadd double %x, -1.000000e+00 %calltmp = call double @foo(double %subtmp) %subtmp5 = fadd double %x, -2.000000e+00 %calltmp6 = call double @foo(double %subtmp5) %addtmp = fadd double %calltmp, %calltmp6 br label %ifcont
ifcont: ; preds = %entry, %else %iftmp = phi double [ %addtmp, %else ], [ 1.000000e+00, %entry ] ret double %iftmp}
parsed a top level exprdefine double @__anon_expr() {entry: br label %loop
loop: ; preds = %loop, %entry %i1 = phi double [ %nextvar, %loop ], [ 1.000000e+00, %entry ] %calltmp = call double @foo(double %i1) %calltmp2 = call double @printd(double %calltmp) %nextvar = fadd double %i1, 1.000000e+00 %cmptmp = fcmp ult double %nextvar, 1.000000e+01 br i1 %cmptmp, label %loop, label %afterloop
afterloop: ; preds = %loop ret double 0.000000e+00}

可以看到,栈上变量自动地变为寄存器变量,且phi node自动地被添加。

1.使用LLVM实现一门语言(九)Mutable Variables

2.Static single assignment form

3.My First Language Frontend with LLVM Tutorial











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