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DotNetCore实战 | 383 2021-07-10 14:32 0 0 0
UniSMS (合一短信)





Barcode();Barcode(string);Barcode(string, BarcodeLib.TYPE);


BarcodeLib.Barcode b = new BarcodeLib.Barcode();Image img = b.Encode(BarcodeLib.TYPE.UPCA, "038000356216", Color.Black, Color.White, 290, 120);
 private void btnEncode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            errorProvider1.Clear();            int W = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtWidth.Text.Trim());            int H = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtHeight.Text.Trim());            b.Alignment = AlignmentPositions.CENTER;
//barcode alignment switch (cbBarcodeAlign.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim().ToLower()) { case "left": b.Alignment = AlignmentPositions.LEFT; break; case "right": b.Alignment = AlignmentPositions.RIGHT; break; default: b.Alignment = AlignmentPositions.CENTER; break; }//switch
TYPE type = TYPE.UNSPECIFIED; switch (cbEncodeType.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim()) { case "UPC-A": type = TYPE.UPCA; break; case "UPC-E": type = TYPE.UPCE; break; case "UPC 2 Digit Ext.": type = TYPE.UPC_SUPPLEMENTAL_2DIGIT; break; case "UPC 5 Digit Ext.": type = TYPE.UPC_SUPPLEMENTAL_5DIGIT; break; case "EAN-13": type = TYPE.EAN13; break; case "JAN-13": type = TYPE.JAN13; break; case "EAN-8": type = TYPE.EAN8; break; case "ITF-14": type = TYPE.ITF14; break; case "Codabar": type = TYPE.Codabar; break; case "PostNet": type = TYPE.PostNet; break; case "Bookland/ISBN": type = TYPE.BOOKLAND; break; case "Code 11": type = TYPE.CODE11; break; case "Code 39": type = TYPE.CODE39; break; case "Code 39 Extended": type = TYPE.CODE39Extended; break; case "Code 39 Mod 43": type = TYPE.CODE39_Mod43; break; case "Code 93": type = TYPE.CODE93; break; case "LOGMARS": type = TYPE.LOGMARS; break; case "MSI": type = TYPE.MSI_Mod10; break; case "Interleaved 2 of 5": type = TYPE.Interleaved2of5; break; case "Interleaved 2 of 5 Mod 10": type = TYPE.Interleaved2of5_Mod10; break; case "Standard 2 of 5": type = TYPE.Standard2of5; break; case "Standard 2 of 5 Mod 10": type = TYPE.Standard2of5_Mod10; break; case "Code 128": type = TYPE.CODE128; break; case "Code 128-A": type = TYPE.CODE128A; break; case "Code 128-B": type = TYPE.CODE128B; break; case "Code 128-C": type = TYPE.CODE128C; break; case "Telepen": type = TYPE.TELEPEN; break; case "FIM": type = TYPE.FIM; break; case "Pharmacode": type = TYPE.PHARMACODE; break; default: MessageBox.Show("Please specify the encoding type."); break; }//switch
try { if (type != TYPE.UNSPECIFIED) { try { b.BarWidth = textBoxBarWidth.Text.Trim().Length < 1 ? null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(textBoxBarWidth.Text.Trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse BarWidth: " + ex.Message, ex); } try { b.AspectRatio = textBoxAspectRatio.Text.Trim().Length < 1 ? null : (double?)Convert.ToDouble(textBoxAspectRatio.Text.Trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse AspectRatio: " + ex.Message, ex); }
b.IncludeLabel = this.chkGenerateLabel.Checked; b.RotateFlipType = (RotateFlipType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RotateFlipType), this.cbRotateFlip.SelectedItem.ToString(), true);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textBox1.Text.Trim())) b.AlternateLabel = this.textBox1.Text; else b.AlternateLabel = this.txtData.Text;
//label alignment and position switch (this.cbLabelLocation.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()) { case "BOTTOMLEFT": b.LabelPosition = LabelPositions.BOTTOMLEFT; break; case "BOTTOMRIGHT": b.LabelPosition = LabelPositions.BOTTOMRIGHT; break; case "TOPCENTER": b.LabelPosition = LabelPositions.TOPCENTER; break; case "TOPLEFT": b.LabelPosition = LabelPositions.TOPLEFT; break; case "TOPRIGHT": b.LabelPosition = LabelPositions.TOPRIGHT; break; default: b.LabelPosition = LabelPositions.BOTTOMCENTER; break; }//switch
//===== Encoding performed here ===== barcode.BackgroundImage = b.Encode(type, this.txtData.Text.Trim(), this.btnForeColor.BackColor, this.btnBackColor.BackColor, W, H); //===================================
//show the encoding time this.lblEncodingTime.Text = "(" + Math.Round(b.EncodingTime, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() + "ms)";
txtEncoded.Text = b.EncodedValue;
tsslEncodedType.Text = "Encoding Type: " + b.EncodedType.ToString();
// Read dynamically calculated Width/Height because the user is interested. if (b.BarWidth.HasValue) txtWidth.Text = b.Width.ToString(); if (b.AspectRatio.HasValue) txtHeight.Text = b.Height.ToString(); }//if
//reposition the barcode image to the middle barcode.Location = new Point((this.barcode.Location.X + this.barcode.Width / 2) - barcode.Width / 2, (this.barcode.Location.Y + this.barcode.Height / 2) - barcode.Height / 2); }//try catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }//catch }//btnEncode_Click


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