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UniSMS (合一短信)





2018年初,起源人工智能研究院 (IIAI, Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence)于阿联酋首都阿布扎比成立, 并迅速成为中东地区领先的AI机构。IIAI 的科学家与工程师旨在大力发展人工智能的基础研究与应用研究,设计并研发出高效智能的学习模型与方法,全面深化人工智能与医疗、智慧城市、遥感等各个领域的快速发展,并孕育未来人工智能领域的栋梁。世界顶级科技期刊《Science》在第361卷6408期发布了 “Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence: A Bold Initiative to Foster Global AI Research and Innovation” 一文。该文介绍了起源人工智能研究院的相关情况(点击图片或阅读原文)。

图1. Science对IIAI进行报道


此外,IIAI 和多个国际知名高校组织,如牛津大学、阿姆斯特丹大学、纽约大学阿布扎比分校等,建立了合作关系,包括成立联合实验室,联合培养博士生项目,互派访问研究人员,共同研发等。例如,2019年3月,IIAI和阿姆斯特丹大学联合成立了AIM实验室(AI for Medical Imaging Lab),并全额资助了阿姆斯特丹大学一名助理教授和7名博士生。

图2. IIAI和阿姆斯特丹大学联合成立了AIM实验室

在人工智能教育方面,穆罕默德·本·扎耶德人工智能大学(MBZUAI)是由邵岭教授发起从IIAI孵化的全球第一所人工智能大学。作为MBZUAI创校执行校长 (Executive Vice President and Provost),邵岭教授带领MBZUAI已聘请十多位人工智能领域的优秀学者入职教师队伍,并从29个国家的2000多名申请人中录取了近100名硕士生和博士生,其中一些学生来自世界一流大学:新加坡国立大学、墨尔本大学、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校等。第一批学生已于2021年1月入学。在邵岭教授的牵头下, MBZUAI于12月份正式宣布世界顶级AI华人学者邢波(Eric P. Xing)教授担任MBZUAI的校长,推进大学在AI前沿领域的研究和人才教育。

图3. 全球第一所人工智能大学MBZUAI成立




Senior Scientist


  1. 具有3年及以上博士后或研究员经历;

  2. 具有带领10+人团队的经验;

  3. 具备优秀的沟通技巧和演讲能力;

  4. 优秀的顶级会议和期刊发表记录;


  1. 极具竞争力的待遇 (免税工资);

  2. 涵盖18岁前3名子女教育、子女及配偶的高级医疗保险;

  3. 周末双休+节假日+35天带薪年假;

  4. 每年一家人回国往返机票。 


Research Scientist


  1. 原则上具有1年以上博士后或副研究员经历;

  2. 以第一作者发表过多篇高质量顶级会议或期刊论文,如CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR, TPAMI/IJCV;


  1. 极具竞争力的待遇 (免税工资);

  2. 涵盖18岁前3名子女教育、子女及配偶的高级医疗保险;

  3. 周末双休+节假日+35天带薪年假;

  4. 每年一家人回国往返机票。


Research Associate


  1. 具有博士学位或博士论文答辩通过;

  2. 以第一作者发表过至少2篇高质量顶级会议或期刊论文,如CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR, TPMAI/IJCV;


  1. 极具竞争力的待遇 (免税工资);

  2. 提供优质的医疗保险、子女教育(3岁-18岁)补贴;

  3. 周末双休+节假日+35天带薪年假;

  4. 每年一次往返机票。


Applied Scientist & Engineer


  1. 具有硕士及以上学位;

  2. 有大型项目或大厂工作经验;

  3. 知名赛事获得前三名者优先考虑;

  4. 发表过顶级会议和期刊论文优先考虑;


  1. 极具竞争力的待遇 (免税工资);

  2. 提供优质的医疗保险、子女教育(3岁-18岁)补贴;

  3. 周末双休+节假日+35天带薪年假;

  4. 每年一次往返机票。


Research Intern

  1. 在读研究生、在读博士生,具有一定计算机技术背景者优先;

  2. 已发表过计算机视觉和机器学习领域的一作顶会或顶刊(如CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR, TPMAI/IJCV, MICCAI等);

  3. 有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力,积极主动,诚实守信;

  4. 能尽快到岗,可连续实习6个月及以上;


  1. 纯粹的科研环境:宽松的科研环境、自由探索、学术扎实的团队成员;

  2. 强大的计算资源:超过100台NVIDIA DGX-1 GPU 服务器、超级计算机集群(1000块Tesla V100 GPU);

  3. 优秀的学生资源:每年有来自世界各国(美国、英国、澳大利亚、中国等)的优秀实习生协助研究员进行学术研究。

联系方式 / Contact Us

若你有意加入我们,请把简历直接发送至邵岭教授信箱: ling.shao@inceptioniai.org

Vacancies at Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IIAI)


Founded in early 2018, IIAI has quickly become the region’s leading institute for AI. With our world-class scientists and engineers, we provide both fundamental and applied research that pushes the boundaries of AI knowledge and its application for solving complex real-world problems across domains.  Further details can be found in the 2018 Science article titled “Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence: A Bold Initiative to Foster Global AI Research and Innovation.” (Click figure 1. or Read more)

Figure 1. Science article on IIAI.

Our applied research teams are working with experts in different areas to provide real-world solutions to current problems. For example, we are building a world-leading video understanding platform that can unlock a new era of how to effectively utilize monitoring and control devices with highly sophisticated video analytics. This technology can be deployed for face detection and annotation, object identification and tracking, scene analysis and tagging, human behavior analysis and content enhancement. 

In addition, IIAI has established cooperative relations with many internationally renowned universities, such as Oxford University, the University of Amsterdam and New York University Abu Dhabi. These partnerships include the establishment of joint laboratories, joint training programs for doctoral students, exchange of visiting researchers, and joint R&D. For example, in March 2019, IIAI and the University of Amsterdam jointly established the AI for Medical Imaging (AIM) Laboratory, and fully funded an assistant professor and seven PhD students.   

Figure 2. IIAI and the University of Amsterdam jointly established the AIM Lab.

In terms of artificial intelligence education, the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), the world's first university dedicated specifically to AI, was initiated by IIAI’s CEO and Chief Scientist, Professor Ling Shao, and incubated by IIAI in 2019. As the Executive Vice President and Provost of MBZUAI, Professor Shao has led the university to hire more than a dozen outstanding scholars in the field as faculty members, and admit nearly 100 top-tier students from 29 countries, selected from a pool of more than 2,000 applicants. These include both masters and doctoral students, many of whom come from world-class universities, such as the National University of Singapore, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This inaugural class began their studies in January 2021. MBZUAI also officially announced in December 2020 that Professor Eric P. Xing, a top academic in the field, will serve as President to promote research and education in AI. 

Figure 3. MBZUAI, the world's first artificial intelligence university, was established.

Finally, IIAI also continues to contribute to fundamental research and has published over 300 papers in top international conferences and journals (e.g., 75 CVPR, 28 ICCV and  15 TPAMI papers). 


Senior Scientist


  1.  At least three years of postdoctoral or research scientist experience;

  2. Team (10+) leader experience;

  3. Excellent communication and presentation skills;

  4. Top-tier conference or journal publications.

Employee Benefits

  1. Highly competitive salary (tax-free);

  2. Premium medical insurance and children's education (3-18 years old) subsidies;

  3. 35 days of paid annual leave, in addition to normal weekends and national holidays;

  4. Round-trip air ticket for the whole family once a year.

Research Scientist


  1. At least one year of postdoctoral or research associate experience;

  2. Have a series of high-quality (first or corresponding author) publications in top journals or conferences, such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR and TPMAI/IJCV.

Employee Benefits

  1. Highly competitive salary (tax-free);

  2. Premium medical insurance and children's education (3-18 years old) subsidies;

  3. 35 days of paid annual leave, in addition to normal weekends and national holidays;

  4. Round-trip air ticket for the whole family once a year.

Research Associate


  1. PhD or Masters;

  2. Have at least two high-quality (first-author) publications in top journals or conferences, such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR, TPMAI/IJCV,MICCAI, etc.

Employee Benefits

  1. Highly competitive salary (tax-free);

  2. Premium medical insurance and children's education (3-18 years old) subsidies;

  3. 35 days of paid annual leave, in addition to normal weekends and national holidays;

  4. Round-trip air ticket for the whole family once a year.

Applied Scientist & Engineer


  1. PhD or top Master’s;

  2. Work experience in well-known companies or large projects;

  3. Top-3 ranking in prestigious challenge awards is preferred;

  4. High-quality publications are preferred.

Employee Benefits

  1. Highly competitive salary (tax-free);

  2. Premium medical insurance and children's education (3-18 years old) subsidies;

  3. 35 days of paid annual leave, in addition to normal weekends and national holidays;

  4. Round-trip air ticket for the whole family once a year.

Research Intern
  1. PhD or Master’s students;

  2. Have first-author publication experience in top journals or conferences, such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR and TPMAI/IJCV;

  3. Have good communication and teamwork skills, and be proactive, honest and trustworthy;

  4. Can join as soon as possible, and stay for at least six months.

We Can Provide

  1. Research-focused work environment and competitive team members;

  2. Super computing resources: more than 100 NVIDIA DGX-1 GPU servers and other GPU/CPU machines (1000 Tesla V100 GPUs);

  3. Excellent research assistants: we have many top interns from all over the world, including the US, the UK, Australia and China.

Contact Us

If you would like to join our team,  please send your CV and cover letter to Prof. Shao: ling.shao@inceptioniai.org







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